Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Crude Oil Options - Give You Huge Profit Potential & Limited Risk!

Crude oil is on the move and savvy traders are trading this market for huge profits and you can to, even if you have never traded before!
By using vehicles such as crude oil options that give you unlimited profit potential with limited risk.
This report is designed to give you an introduction to energy contracts including:
Crude oil, heating oil, unleaded gasoline and natural gas. These markets are the perfect route to big speculative profits and offer the following advantages:
To make money in any speculative market you need volatility and price movement.
Energy markets tend to be volatile by their very nature and it is this volatility that creates opportunities for profit.
Many traders claim they hate volatility. well if a market is not volatile you won t have big profit potential!
All you need to do is know how to manage risk and you can trade for big profits and this report will show you how.
2.Trending nature
The volatility of inherent in energy markets produces long term trends either up or down, the aim of any speculator is to lock into and hold these trends for profit.
The aim is simple:
If you can lock into the big trends you will lock into the big profits!
Did you miss the recent huge move in crude?
Think how much you could have made if you had been in on this trend!
3.Seasonal tendencies While energy markets trend well they also offer traders another great advantage to limit risk and increase reward:
Seasonal trends
The price of energy contracts is influenced by seasonal demand as demand varies depending on the time of year. For instance, unleaded gasoline peak demand is when the summer driving season kicks of in late spring. On the other hand, the demand for heating oil is highest in the cold winter months.
There is a rule in trading commodities that is especially true in energy markets where supply must be stockpiled to meet
seasonal demand.
The rule is:
Price precedes consumption
What this means is:
That price tends to rally in anticipation of consumption and not necessarily once the excess usage has begun.
This is because in order to provide the excess supply to meet the heavy demand on the retail level, distributors must begin buying aggressively in advance of the actual retail demand season. Therefore, demand on the wholesale level begins to increase in advance of the peak usage seasons.
By trading the seasonal tendency traders can reduce risk and gain increased profit potential.
4.Spread trading
The fact that seasonals exist in energy markets make them ideal for spread trading and many traders look for spread opportunities within the actual commodity itself ( buying months with strong demand and selling weak ones ) and spread trading two markets ( buying strong months in one commodity and selling weak ones in another )
Spread trading offers great risk to reward trades with high reliability which are perfect for speculators seeking huge gains with low risk.
5.You can profit from bull or bear markets
Traders like to trade markets from the long side i.e. look for bull markets but the fact is bear markets offer great opportunities as well.
You can buy or sell energy contracts and the profit potential is the same, so you will always have trends to look for and profit from.
How to harness energy markets and make huge profits
Energy markets offer great long term trends and lots of volatility; if these trends can be caught big profits can be yours.
The key to making big profits from energy markets is to harness volatility for profit and the best way to do this is by utilizing options strategies.
Get limited risk and unlimited gains
The advantage of options strategies is your risk is limited in advance, yet you can take advantage of unlimited profit potential.
This means that you can ride out short term price swings against you and remain in the market. Providing your option price is reached by expiry, you will make a profit. With the current excellent trends in energy markets don t miss out on profit potential, use crude oil options and options in the other energy markets to make big gains with limited risk.
For FREE Information & reports
On the outlook for all energy makrets and a FREE comprehensive guide on how to trade these markets with limited risk and unlimited profit potential visit: energy reports.html

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